about us

Taka Conseil has been providing personal assistance and hand-holding services from its base in the Gers in south west France since 2021. Founded and run by Leah Luenu with the support of former UK-based lawyer Barbara Edmonds, both have personal experience of living and working in Britain and France. We fully appreciate what’s required to help overcome language and cultural barriers when you’re not living in your native country.


The name itself says it all! A direct English to French translation of ‘you only have to ask’ is ‘Tu n’as qu’a’ hence Taka. And given France is highly regulated, bureaucratic and infamous for extensive paperwork which even locals sometimes struggle with, then having to ask for help is often the only way forward.

From taxes and laws to the health service and education, it’s a completely different system to the UK. There are cultural differences too so having someone by your side to make sense of it all, translate, point you in the right direction, make the calls and fill in the forms makes a big difference.

What Barbara says about Léah

founder and hand-holder

Leah is a power house of energy with a passion for building great relationships with people and getting things done.  Having worked in Bristol for many years and with experience of tourism, customer relations and latterly real estate in France, she’s a great communicator who through efficiency and determination provides answers and solves problems. It’s been a pleasure working alongside her, getting a French perspective and helping to grow Taka through the addition of complementary services that people need and value.

What Léah says about Barbara

real estate coach and handholder

Although Barbara has lived in France for 20 years, her Englishness certainly helps with my understanding of what our clients want and, as a former family law barrister, she’s calm and meticulous when it comes to detail. With over 10 years’ experience of estate agency in France, she also shares in my passion for property and given so much of what we are asked to do concerns property related contracts and issues, she’s a great support. Her life experience and British sense of humour helps too and just like me, Barbara gets a great deal of pleasure out of supporting and connecting with people so they may relax into their new life here in France.


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© 2023, whipped up with love by Taka
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